I was so super excited for this session! One because what's more fun hanging out with two girls on a beach and two because Sofia is my niece's best friend..I might also love their mom Heather!! I met Heather and her girls at Down's Park on what you would of thought was a warm summer evening, but it was just a really nice fall night in September. We hung out on the beach, climbed rocks, twirled on the fishing pier and honestly just had a fun night. Even though one of us took a bit of warming up to the camera. Sara and Sofia each have their own personalities and they just shined through on this session. Sara has such a loving and kind heart. Sofia....she is a girl after my heart...nothing stops her and she has a mind of her own. But that's ok. That's what we love. Sometimes the best moments happen when we stop posing and let the kids well be kids. Have fun, splash around, tell secrets...all make for moments we can't get back.