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annapolis maryland photographer | a us naval academy maternity session | missy + john

I think maternity session's are becoming my new favorite session to photograph. There is just something so sweet about a new mom to be holding her belly and the anticipation of the birth of their baby. It is such a sweet occasion!

As soon as Missy reached out to me and we started planning their session, I knew I was going to love these guys and their session was going to be one of my favorites. Missy knew she wanted to come to Annapolis and I randomly suggested the Naval Academy, which come to find out that John had graduated from there. It was meant to be. We started planning outfits and choosing dates. Finally the day was here and low behold, it stormed. Not a little shower. More like lighting striking all around. We decided to push back a couple weeks and when I got back from California we had their session.

These guys braved a very hot and humid night for their session and you would never know how much we all were sweating through this. We laughed a lot, talked about how they expected life to change when their new baby boy was born, and as we walked the grounds John talked all about his time and memories at the academy. He even showed us his old dorm. I had such a fun evening with these and just couple weeks after these were taken....they welcomed their sweet baby!!!

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