YOU GUYS!! This is has to be one of the sweetest families ever!! Lindsay reached out to me via Instagram, where she had been following along for quite a while, to see if she could schedule a session while they were in town. Her brother in law was getting MARRIED and they would be flying in from Texas for their wedding. This session was going to be a bit different then normal. Kris ( her hubby ) was retiring from the Navy shortly after their session. He is an alumni from the academy and they wanted to be able to have one final session to celebrate Kris' retirement and it only seemed fitting to have it at his alma mater. We met up on I swear, what started as a beautiful warm early spring day, turned crazy chilly and way windy by the time we met up. Not only that, these guys has pretty much been up all night thanks to delays in their flights from Texas, thanks to storms. So, with sour candy in hand and lots of snuggles we set out. Their sweet babies where such such troopers. We got lots of laughs out of them and running cause you it way colder in Maryland then in Texas. We had so much FUN. I told them at the end of their session that I would happily fly to Texas for all their sessions. I just love them so much! Thank you all for your service to our country! And you all if fly Southwest and get Kris as your pilot, just know you are in good hands!!!